-9,-5,-5,-5,-3,-1,-9 All played in April
This is my total data for the past week.
-7 on May 1
-10 , May 2. -4 by the turn on 9. Ace on 10! Backboard shot on a CTP hole. One bogey for the round.
-8, May 3, -3 at the turn, a Hellen Keller bird on 15 from the wrong side of the trailer,
One bogey, on 5.
-6, May 4, -3 at the turn, two bogeys 4, and 12.
-9, May 5, -3 at turn, bogey on 6, miracle bird on 14,50’.
-5, May 6, -3 at the turn, one bogey, wind and putting were issues.
-6, May 7,-3 at the turn, no bogeys, lots of very close almost birds.
-11, May 8, -6 at the turn, no bogeys, nice warm weather
-10, May 9, -5 at the turn, no bogeys but missed 3 putts inside 11’. Hot weather
-4, May 10, par at turn, two bogeys (3, 14), missed 3 embarrassing putts. Hot weather, shorts and tee.
-5, May 11, -1 at the turn, bogey on 18!, missed 6@ 12’ or less putts. A bit disgusting. Nice warm weather.
-8, May 12, -3 at the turn, no bogeys, warm with a bit of wind.
-5 , May 13, -4 at the turn,2 bogeys, 14 putting for a bird, getting a rim job, roller, then a bogey. Also bogied 17! Over cast. Tee shirt and light pants.
-5, May 14, -2 at the turn,2 bogeys 8 & 16, overcast but tee shirt and light pants.
-11, May 15, -4 at the turn, bogey on 3, gorgeous day.
-6, May 16, -5 at the turn, double bogey on 14. Started two birds on first two holes. Light mist and overcast.
-7, May 17, -2 at the turn, bogey on hole 6, missed some easy birds. Overcast
-9, May 18, -5 at the turn, bogey on hole 4?!!! Gorgeous day.
-8, -4 at the turn, May 19, no bogeys. Overcast afternoon round.
-12, -7 at the turn, May 20, 4 birds in the first 4 holes! No bogeys Overcast with wet grass. Missed a couple birds while hitting chain.
-10, -5 at the turn, May 21, no bogeys, overcast with light rain,
Played par at Atown with Don. May 22
-7, -4 at the turn, May 23, overcast.
-15, new personal record!, -8 at the turn, May 24, pars on 5,14,18. I probably had 3 CTPs too!
-8, May 25, -4 at the turn, bogey on 3,5,14, light rain and soaked feet. Took an Alpenglow start.
-11, May 26, -5 at the turn.
-9, May 27, -3 at the turn, no bogeys, first day for shorts and tee shirt.
-9, May 28, -5 at the turn, no bogeys, missed 3 easy birds, shorts and tee shirt.
-15, May 29, -7 at the turn, pars on 5,8,&9. Shorts and tee shirt.
-5, May 30, -2 at the turn, bogeys on 6,8,12! Rain day.
-12. May 31, -7 at the turn, par on 1,5,12,13,14,18. Coat and wet feet.
Par, June 1, par at the turn, 4 bogeys:3,5,11,14..great weather. Vest and tee. Worst score on record so far.
-10, June 2, -6 at the turn, no bogeys. Overcast Vest and tee.
-9, June 3, -4 at the turn, 1 bogey hole 3. Broken clouds, tee shirt weather.
+9, best disc with Bling at Edgewater. 2 games of crib won by the Count. One was a CFB. One with a 24 and then a 14 to finish. Lost 2 games o DTR.
-8, June 5, -4 at the turn, no bogeys, 3-4 missed easy putts. Overcast. Two shirts and dropped one off after 12.
-12, -6 at the turn, June 6, 1 bogey on 3. Overcast, two shirts. Missed 2 10’ putts.
-8, June 7, -4 at the turn, Bogey on 3
-14, June 8, -5 at the turn, no bogeys. Birds on the back nine for all!
-11, June 9, -4 at the turn, no bogeys, Barn coat and boots, light rain.
-11, June 10, bogey on 5. Tee shirt and boots. -5 at the turn.
-11, June 11, no bogeys, tee shirt and boots. Missed two easy putts. -4 at the turn.
-12, June 12, no bogeys, Barn coat and boots. Good putts! -6 at the turn.