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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Disc with Wings


The write UP for the mini GHEDI held on Friday is as follows.

August 8, 2020, the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

First round of disc on the GH 18:

A choice of days for this event was presented and it fell that Friday was selected.  6 of us found the day after the rain storm filled with sun and clear air.  (As it turns out Saturday was also rain to start).

The Count was overjoyed at completing the refinish on the Patio Doors after 9 days of stripping, sanding, and finishing.  A celebration of disc was required as he had gone discless during that DIY project! (Squeezed in 9 holes on Thursday but then the rain drove him inside).

The patio was set up for 6 for a lunch of brats and wings, buns were brought (more on that later), a wonderful fresh peaches with FRESH black berries and whipped cream, chips and beverages to be served after the first round of 18.  There were also fresh anniversary brownies (not magic) celebrating the Count and Countess being married for 44 years!

There were 6 of us, BA, Shaun Dog, Jerry Garcia, Eye, Cajun and The Count.

The results of the 18 were a surprise to the author of this missive....  Count = -13, Shaun, BA, and Jerry = -9, Eye = -8, and Cajun -7.

Lunch was called but the Countess informed us that Sparky had found the hot dog buns and ate them all but one.  Ahhh, what a hunter!


During the break, BA thought to challenge the Count in some cribbage to assuage his own honor.  He was taken 2/2 games at a previous meet at the Eye's home.  BA thought he would get in some revenge.  Now, to his credit he did get 3 points of Muggins off the Count in a crib but that was not enough as the Count took him by nearly 20 points.

2nd round of Disc, Partners and Best Disc on the GH 10:

We teamed up in the tradition of the GHEDI with Count and Cajun, Shaun and BA and Jerry and Eye as teams.

The score on the 10 hole course is a bit foggy but Shaun and BA =-7, Cajun and Count = -5, Jerry and Eye = -4 ??

There was an armed (with machetes) effort at finding one of Jerry's Discs that went (we thought) off course into the VERY rough southlands on Hole 2 of the 10.  Three of us beat down the blackberries for maybe 20 minutes and then discovered the fence had kept the disc inbounds!  All is well.

Note the photos below.  Jerry is showing off his ACE on hole #11 on the 18 and the other shows a proper social distancing being practiced to keep us all safe and ready to do it again.

ACE for Jerry Garcia!

Winners of the CTPs were spread about, Cajun got hole 4, BA got hole 7, The Count got hole 10, and Shaun Dog got hole 15, while Jerry took the ACE pot.  Eye owes all of us!

Lost Disc:

There was only one disc left on the course.  Shaun Dog left a fine pink ROC that is now residing in the trunk of the Uboat.

Disc With Wings (4th? iteration)

(The date was not documented)

Eye, BA, Cajun, Bling, Jerry, and Count Enrico were on the course for a singles round on the 18 hole course.  To shake things up, we tried a round of best disc on the 18 using the GH best and worst  pairing up.

Cajun = -11
BA = -9
Eye = -8
Bling = -8
Jerry =-10
The Count = -3 ( a very sad day)

EATING too much 
(a First World Problem)

The lunch was perhaps the best we have experienced with this format.

BA hosted by bringing brats and smoked chicken wings that were seriously good.

Cajun put together some crab wonton things that were totally heavenly.

Jerry had a huge bowl of fresh guacamole with chips and we all used it to slather on our buns with the brats.

Eye brought in some fresh fruit plate with great stuff on it.

Bling brought a bunch of deli chicken which we had to treat to Sparky with the skin!

The Count baked tollhouse cookies for desert!

It was difficult to get moving again.....

Cribbage Tournament

During lunch there was a cribbage game where BA tried to show his skills but got muggins called on him after a Nibs flip, while his attention was elsewhere a card was played and the points were taken by The Count.  BA went on to take third out of 3 players.  It is good to see him be positive about his game.

Bling took the game, leaving the Count one hole from the finish and enough to count out but protocol did not allow that.  BA was about 12 points off the pace.  A close game all around.

Disc course Record:

Cajun and The Count teamed up (previous holder of the record at -16) and managed a -10.

Eye and Jerry scored a -11.

Bling and BA pulled a -17!  The new course record for best disc

Eye scored an ACE on hole 15, getting the ACE pot and the CTP.  Cajun took the other 3 CTPs and may need a 1099 for all the income.

October 8, 2020, A Thursday:

The Wings and Brats were brought out again and we played the standard GHEDI format of play.  18 hole individual round followed by the best disc 10 hole course round.


As folks arrived for the event there was a heavy mist in the air so we set up camp inside the carport but when it came to time to cook and eat the mist had lifted and dried up.  The sun threatened to come through almost.  The camp was moved back to the patio where the propane outdoor heater was ignited and was appreciated.


BA bringing the smoked wings with some spice!
Jerry Garcia bringing the brats and buns
Bling bringing the Pub Snack
Count Ferrari with the blue berry scones and hot bean dip
Cajun with the BBQ skills!


Cajun:  Setting a new course record of -17!!!! Breaking his own previous course record that he set 2 years ago of -16.  (predicted -10)

BA;  -14 (predicted -10)

Jerry Garcia:  -9 (predicted -9)

Count Enrico :  -5 (predicted -9)

Bling:  -4 (predicted -4)

Scores on the 10 best disc course:  Based on memory and subject to change...

Count -4
BA -5
Caj -5
Bling -6
Jerry G -7

Cribbage tournament:

Bling took the three way challenge and BA finally got a respectable finish.  The Count had the last crib and could not count out, as he would have.  BA got a count and moved by to 8 points out, then Bling counted and went out leaving the Count out by 12!

PHOTO FUN from 10-8-2020

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