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Friday, September 29, 2023

GHEDI Fall 2023 The few, the Proud


THE GHEDI:  Fall of 2023

This event was held the day after the Equinox occurred.
The weather was dry until the last bit of the first round.  Then it rained pretty good.  Umbrellas were required for watching the second round.

There were 8 brave souls who showed up to have fun.  The fun factor was not reduced by this light turnout.  We played as a group of 8.  The round on the 18 hole course introduced the option, USE the ring!  It was an extra throw and take your best shot on the drive.

All players had an option to use the ring and it worked for about 1/4 of the holes that someone hit a good ring throw.  They are hard to control.  The Count lived up to his nickname of 'Lord of the Ring' on a few holes.

This may have been the smallest population for a GHEDI ever, but the fun was still there!

Bloody Mary's were mixed and distributed to all on arrival.   Ron was doing the mixing!

The group photo was taken after the first round and before the Championship round on the 10 hole course.  The rain had commenced by then and the heater and fire table in the clubhouse were a good thing.

8 players after a first round of disc on the 18 hole course.

When asked to do something odd for the photo, this is what we did.

Kudos and Props to the photographers of the round.  J-Lo and Gazza did the documentary with the cameras.  

There was a CTP/Ace Pot.  Winners were Hawkeye, Doorman (2 CTPs) and the Count.  The Ace Pot was taken by Ron! on the last hole of the tournament on hole 10!

The closest thing to an injury was PK finding the hot wire in the pasture.

The clubhouse, pre disc .  Note the Bloody Mary in the hands of the Count.

There was no awards ceremony as we ended the final round.  Too wet and it was time to hit the road but all was good.

J-Lo doing her turbo best to get a bird on hole 2.

PK taking his only bogie of the round on hole 3.

The second round was played somewhat differently than in past GHEDI tournaments, but with success.  

No partners were assigned for a best disc format, instead the 3 brave souls were all playing Cali disc golf with one extra stroke free per hole.  PK, Ron, and Hawkeye had a good competitive round with the lead changing nearly every hole.  They were observed by the Doorman and the Count.

Final result was Ron and PK at par with Hawkeye at  +1.  Close game!!!

The Doorman teeing off on 7, a CTP hole and he collects after taking Ron by 1/16".  Hawkeye measured with a string for the mediation.

J-Lo teeing off on 8.

The group trudging off after playing 9.  Heading for the clubhouse and a snack? before continuing.

The photo documentation on Hole 11 is remarkable.  Also a point to note, the camera shy Gazza is only shown in the group photos.  Next time that will be rectified if possible.

Some classic awards:

First Place on the 18:   PK  (-11)
Hot Chick award:         J-Lo (+1)
Nutcracker:   PK hitting the electric fence
2nd Place on the 10:  A tie with Ron and PK for first and 2nd.  (both with par)
Forget Me NOT:  Doorman (losing his bag of disc as he went over the fence to retrieve his disc on 14.)  There was a bag of discs left in the clubhouse by Gazza. 

PK with a fairway approach on Hole 11.

PK with his tee shot on 11.

King Tutt teeing off on 11.

The Count after his throw and the Doorman getting ready to throw his ring on 11.

J-Lo teeing off on 11.

Hawkeye preparing for his ring throw on 11.

The Doorman watching his flight of disc or ring? on 11.

The Gallery observing on hole 11.

The Doorman assessing a throw.

Hawkeye shooting his approach on 11.

PK and King Tutt assessing their approach on 11.

The Lord of the Ring prepping for a big throw on 14.
This use of a ring was good for a Bird!

Hawkeye mapping out the ring throw on 15.

King Tutt and the Doorman consulting.

The group on the largest tee pad in the world getting set to throw 18.

The  GHEDI tournament is remarkable for the fabulous attitudes of all involved.  Positive attitudes prevail.  In the course prep with the assistance of Eye and Cajun (neither one played due to previous commitments) to the scorekeeping by The Doorman. The smiles by all during the event made for a great day!

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